Why the Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker Won the 2022 EuroBike Award

Why the Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker Won the 2022 EuroBike Award

The Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker, an innovative cycling accessory, made waves in the cycling industry when it won the prestigious 2022 EuroBike. This compact and versatile tool impressed the judges with its outstanding features and functionality. In this blog post, we will explore the five key reasons why the Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker stood out from the competition and earned this esteemed recognition.


  1. Exceptional Design and Build Quality:

One of the primary reasons the Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker triumphed at the EuroBike Awards was its exceptional design and superior build quality. The tool's sleek and ergonomic design not only ensures a comfortable grip but also enhances its functionality. Made from high quality materials, this tool offers durability and longevity, making it a reliable companion for cyclists on their adventures.


  1. Versatile Functionality:

The Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker impressed the judges with its versatile functionality. It incorporates a wide range of essential tools and features into one compact unit. Apart from the chain breaker, it includes hex wrenches, a Torx key, a screwdriver, and a spoke wrench. This comprehensive set of tools allows cyclists to perform various maintenance tasks on the go, making it a must have for any cyclist.


  1. User-Friendly and Easy to Carry:

Ease of use and portability are crucial factors for any cycling accessory. The Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker excels in both aspects. The tool's user friendly design ensures that cyclists can easily access and deploy the required tools, even in demanding conditions. Additionally, its compact size and lightweight construction make it easy to carry in a saddlebag, jersey pocket, or backpack, ensuring it is always within reach whenever needed.


  1. Durability and Reliability:

Cyclists rely on their tools to withstand rigorous conditions. The Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker delivers on durability and reliability. The high-quality materials and precision engineering ensure that this tool can endure the demands of regular use and withstand harsh environments. Cyclists can have peace of mind knowing that the tool will perform flawlessly, even in challenging situations.


  1. Innovative Chain Breaker:

The standout feature of the Ryder Groove Tool Pro is its innovative chain breaker. This tool incorporates a smart design that enables cyclists to easily remove and repair a broken chain while out on a ride.

The chain breaker's efficiency and ease of use impressed the EuroBike Award judges. It can save precious time and effort in critical situations, allowing cyclists to quickly get back on the road.



The Ryder Groove Tool Pro with Chain Breaker truly deserved the 2022 EuroBike Award. Due to its exceptional design, versatile functionality, user-friendliness, durability, and innovative chain breaker. This cycling accessory has set a new standard for compact and reliable multi-tools. Catering to the needs of both professional and recreational cyclists. Whether it's performing on-the-go repairs or routine maintenance, the Ryder Groove Tool is a worthy companion for every cyclist.